Chez Surette Art


The tragic story of the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia by the British in 1755 has been immortalized in Longfellow's poem "Evangeline". Surette created a lasting momument to the historical events surrounding this epic in a series of six paintings. Shortly before his death these and others of his works were on exhibit for an extended period, first at Université Sainte-Anne then at Government House, Halifax, Nova Scotia Among his many works enjoyed throughout the world these six are considered by many to be his magnum opus. One of them, a sweeping panorama entitled "The Expulsion of the Acadians 1755", he reproduced in a limited edition of 500 exquisite prints, inspected, numbered and signed by the artist.

You can view the print here

Congrès Acadien Mondial - World Acadian Congress
Visit the official web site of the Congrès mondial acadien

Good Works Forgotten
It is interesting to note that in 1999 recognition was given to the the 200th anniversary of the arrival in Nova Scotia of French priest Abbe Jean Mande Sigogne.

In preparation for that event historians were invited to prepare commemorative lectures on the life of the man who was a stalwart builder of the Acadian community and a significant, though little known, pioneer in the provincial story.

Father Sigogne, an individual who himself had known the experience of exile, came to Nova Scotia at a time when many Acadians were seeking to re-establish themselves in the province following the bitterness of the expulsion. Many were discouraged and the orderliness of the pastoral life of their forbears in Acadie were denied them.

Father Sigogne was, first of all, a dedicated spiritual leader. Further, he promoted education, civil order and political involvement. More than any other, he helped the Acadian people to a new pride and a strengthened sense both of identity and of destiny.

Still, he has been little recognized. The proposed lecture series, as historians seek to relate his story, should enlighten many people concerning a great man in Nova Scotia's past.

It has been suggested that the memorial lectures be presented at Sigogne bicentennial celebrations in Clare and in Ste-Anne-du-Ruisseau.

One would hope the addresses might be further circulated in some fashion to help make people of this province more generally aware of this man's profoundly good works.

Acadian Festival - 1997
On July 5 and 6, 1997, over 10,000 Acadians from across the Atlantic provinces gathered in Grand Pré to celebrate their heritage and culture during Acadian Days. The celebration held special significance this year, the 150th anniversary of the writing of Longfellow's Evangeline. Even though the poem was a fictional account of two lovers separated by the expulsion of the Acadians in 1755, such events actually occurred in Grand Pré.

2004 World Congress of Acadians
Congrès Mondial Acadien 2004
During August of 2004, over one million Acadians from around the world are expected to reunite in Nova Scotia for the third World Congress of Acadians.

En l'Aout 2004, plus d'une million Acadiens et Acadiennes de la diaspora s'attendre à rèunir dans Nouveau-Ecosse pour le troisièmme CONGRÈS MONDIAL ACADIEN.

1994 World Congress of Acadians
Congrès Mondial Acadien 1994
In August 1994, three hundred thousand Acadians from around the world were reunited in southeastern New Brunswick for the first World Congress of Acadians. This event will be repeated the first two weeks of August 1999 in south Louisiana.

En août 1994, trois cent mille Acadiens et Acadiennes de la diaspora se sont réunis dans le sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick pour le premier CONGRÈS MONDIAL ACADIEN. Cet événement va se renouveler en Louisiane du sud en 1999. Pour deux semaines au début d'août 1999, les Acadiens du monde entier auront l'occasion de se retrouver parmi leurs cousins et cousines de la Louisiane.

The first Convention of the Acadian people was held in 1884 in New Brunswick. At this convention, the delegates adopted a number of testaments and symbols of their Catholic faith and also the French tricolor, to which was added a yellow star in the blue field, as the Acadian flag. The star represents Our Lady of the Assumption.

Étant donné la longue tradition catholique des Acadiens, de la sincérité de notre foi et de notre fidelité envers l'Eglise Catholique dont nous fîmes preuve en 1755 au mépris de nos vies et qui causa notre déportation en 1755, et à l'approche de la Fête de l'Assumption, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir faire connaitre à votre congrégation, par le biais de l'homélie du 15 août et au travers votre feuille paroissiale, qu'à la première convention du peuple acadien, tenue au Nouveaux-Brunswick en 1884, les délégués ont adopté le drapeau tricouleur français avec une étoile jaune dans le champ bleu. L'étoile représente á la fois Notre Dame de l'Assomption et les couleurs du Vatican.


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Chez Surette Art® Version 3.05 dated 9/11/2009 All rights reserved - legal - privacy
This website owned and operated by Patrick P. Emin, Halifax, NS, Canada